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Preet meets Sabrina Elba to talk zero hunger and Britain’s role in international development

Global leaders in international development Preet Kaur Gill MP and Sabrina Elba met in Parliament to discuss the role Britain and its diaspora communities play in international development.

Sabrina Elba, UN Goodwill Ambassador for IFAD and Chair of Global Citizen's European board, strives to eradicate hunger by targeting the rural areas of developing countries. IFAD helps rural economies increase agricultural production and build resilience to the effects of climate change. As smallholder farmers provide up to 80% of the food supply across Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, they are essential to ensuring global food security. Gill’s meeting with Elba comes at a key time, with Russian attacks on ports and a grain shortage sending food prices soaring and pushing millions of the world’s most vulnerable to the brink of starvation.

The Shadow International Development Secretary and Elba have agreed to collaborate on combatting the food crisis, strengthening global cooperation and supporting rural communities in developing countries. They also stand against Russia using food as a weapon in conflict.

Preet Kaur Gill said: “Sabrina and I have much to collaborate on with regards to international development, climate action and poverty eradication. The humanitarian work she does, especially in ensuring food security through her support for small-scale farmers, is vital and totally inspiring.

“I look forward to working together to support people in developing countries. Given that Sabrina is an inspiration to so many women around the world, it is amazing that she is using her platform to make the case for international development.”

Sabrina Elba, of Somali descent, and Preet Kaur Gill, Britain’s first female Sikh MP, also commend the diaspora community for the contribution they make to international development. This comes after Labour revealed that it is currently consulting on a family remittances policy to form part of an offer to our diverse communities across the UK.

The money sent abroad in the form of remittances plays an important role in tackling poverty in developing countries. In Somalia, The World Bank estimates that remittances account for 21.4% of the nation’s GDP.

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