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Preet Launches Consultation on Police Hubs

Preet Kaur Gill, MP for Birmingham Edgbaston, has today launched a new consultation to ask residents across Bartley Green, Quinton, Harborne and Edgbaston where they would like to see their Police officers stationed.

The consultation will follow work which Preet has already undertaken to understand how local public services can maintain a Police presence in our communities. This comes in the wake of close to £1 billion in combined cuts from the Conservative Government to West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council.

Preet Kaur Gill MP said, “Over the last ten years, we’ve seen huge cuts to our public services by this Government. But, all of these cuts have consequences. You simply can’t take 20,000 Police off our streets, close over 600 Police stations and expect crime not to drastically rise. Looking at current figures, it’s fair to say that under the Conservatives, criminals have never had it so good.

“Since I was first elected in 2017, I have been campaigning along with local residents for more Police officers and designated sergeants. I’m thrilled to say, we have been successful and now Quinton will have a new sergeant, separate to Bartley Green. This means each ward will have their own Police Team.

“Now, I’m working closely with the Police, to lead a project that will help decide where in each ward of our constituency our Police should be based. However, I want your help in making this decision. It’s so important our Police have a visible presence and are accessible to the communities they serve. That’s why I’m carrying out a constituency-wide consultation. Please have your say and tell me what you think.”

This follows Labour’s national approach to tackle crime. Labour will increase the police presence in communities with the national rollout of Police Hubs, each with its own Neighbourhood Prevention Team to ensure anti-social behaviour and other crimes in the communities are tackled quickly.

To have your say on where the Police should be located in your area, complete the consultation:


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