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My Weekly Update - 20 September

This week, our new Labour government has been busy setting its agenda for getting a grip on the problems we face and giving Britain its future back. 

The Home Secretary has announced that protection zones around abortion clinics will come into force throughout the country, because no woman should ever have to face intimidation for going to a healthcare appointment. From 31 October, attempts to influence the decisions of abortion service users or employees within a 150m radius of a clinic will become illegal. 

Our new Labour government has also agreed a deal with junior doctors to end 18 months of strikes. After 14 years of Tory neglect of our NHS, Labour is taking action to cut waiting lists and reform our broken health service. 

Keir Starmer has also appointed a new Border Security Commander, Martin Hewitt, to tackle the smuggling gangs who trade the lives of men, women and children across borders. 

We won’t lose sight of what we were elected to do. An economy that works for everyone. An NHS not just back on its feet but fit for the future. Streets that everyone feels safe in. No longer dependent on foreign dictators because we’re producing our own clean energy. And giving every child – from whatever their background the chance - to go as far as their talents will take them. 


Exempt accommodation

This week, I penned an op-ed about exempt accommodation on the back of my debate in Parliament.  

In my constituency, residents and I worked with the police to get an exempt property, Saif Lodge in North Edgbaston, shut down. The property was overcrowded and terribly managed, and local residents regularly complained of antisocial behaviour linked to the site. 


The case of Saif Lodge showed that when we let down vulnerable adults, whole communities can suffer as a result. I’m calling for the government to get on with the job of reforming the exempt sector, so that rogue landlords cannot continue to exploit the current system and provide substandard levels of care for a profit. 

You can read my full article here: 

You can watch my full speech here: 


Child Poverty

This week, Birmingham Live published a harrowing piece into the shockingly high rate of child poverty in our city. As an ex-children's services manager in the city, I have seen the real consequences that drastic Conservative local budget cuts over the last decade have had on children’s living standards, opportunities and mental and physical health. 

It’s appalling that in Edgbaston constituency, child poverty has increased from 18.2% to 30% in just 10 years. I welcome the new Labour government prioritising tackling this stain on our society by setting up a new Child Poverty Taskforce, which is designed to improve children’s lives and life chances now and address the root causes of child poverty in the long term. 

The report also raises serious concerns about poor-quality housing, health inequalities, the intersection between ethnicity and poverty, and the increasing number of children being pulled into crime. Over the next Parliament, I will be working closely with this new Labour government to tackle these issues head on to reduce child poverty, improve equality and increase opportunity for all children regardless of their background. 


Local News


This week, I attended the in-person consultation about the future of Bartley Green library. I am fighting to save all the libraries in my constituency – Harborne, Quinton and Bartley Green.  

I would encourage all residents and interested community groups to feed into the council’s live libraries consultation. You can complete the survey here: 

Next Tuesday, in-person consultations are also happening in Harborne and Quinton. The times of those are below: 

Harborne Library: Tuesday 24th September, 10:30 to midday. 

Quinton Library: Tuesday 24th September, 15:00 to 16:30.  

Harborne Day Centre

It was great to visit Harborne Day Centre and meet the people who use this facility.

The centre is a lifeline for our most vulnerable residents. I will be working with carers to make sure that we have a viable service in Harborne that works for those who need it.


This week in Edgbaston, we have seen two more serious accidents caused by dangerous driving. A man was hospitalised after being hit by a car at the junction of Pershore Road and Sir Harrys Road, and a serious crash occurred on Bristol Road. 

Tackling speeding and dangerous driving is absolutely an emergency and a top priority for my constituents. I have today written to the council demanding average speed cameras be installed on dangerous roads in my constituency. 

See my letter to the council above.

West Midlands Police

I’m glad to see that West Midlands Police is now out of special measures. The Chief Constable, Craig Guildford, has done a spectacular job to turn around the force in such little time. I look forward to working with the force to continue to make improvements and fight for resources. 

Pension Credit 

I know many of my constituents have written to me concerned about paying energy bills this winter.  

If you are struggling with your bills, I will support you to receive any of the support to which you are entitled. I know that there is a poor take-up of Pension Credit among those entitled to it, with nearly 40% of pensioners in Edgbaston who should be receiving this benefit missing out.  

Please do check if you are eligible for pension credit if you think you or a family member may be eligible. The simplest way to check eligibility is to visit or by calling 0800 99 1234 (the Pension Credit claim line is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm). 

The Household Support Fund has also been extended for the next six months, representing a £421 million boost for local authorities in England to help people most in need with the cost of their energy, food and water. You can find out more about how to apply to the Household Support Fund by visiting To express your interest in this payment, you can also call 0121 634 7100.  

If you have any questions or need any further help, please contact me directly on 0121 392 8426, or email me at If you would like us to call you instead, please provide your phone number and we will be happy to do so. 


Next Wednesday, 25th September, the MHWC will be visiting Waterworks Road, B16 9DB, in North Edgbaston. The centre will be open from 07:30 to 13:00, so please do come along if you have bulky household waste to dispose of. 

Best wishes,

Preet Kaur Gill MP

Member of Parliament for Birmingham Edgbaston, covering Bartley Green, Edgbaston, Harborne, North Edgbaston and Quinton

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